Modern Conservatism

Modern Conservatism is our guiding principle here at DYNAMO_politics. It’s a mantra that’s been in the works for only a few years, so it’s very young – but it’s also based on centuries of common sense and experience, so in some aspects you could say it’s a pretty old set of ideas.

The logo of the Modern Conservative Movement – whose design and meaning you can read about here.

Defined succinctly, Modern Conservatism is a philosophy which advocates the free market, individual liberty, and a limited government. This might sound a lot like libertarianism to some of you, or just a re-hashing of Republican ideology to others, but it isn’t. You see, Modern Conservatism actually analyzes all policy positions from these three perspectives in order to decide on a course of action. Republicans and Libertarians don’t go so far, using their professed values to judge some ideas and arbitrary politicking to cover the rest.

For example, Modern Conservatism places much more emphasis on economic matters than social issues – a concept which doesn’t hold up well within the current GOP climate. Modern Conservatism also declares that the United States has a right to assert itself around the globe wherever and whenever it wants – a principle many libertarians shy away from. While the Republicans and Libertarians have chosen their respective positions to try to pick up votes, Modern Conservatism takes its heading from the compass of free enterprise and the human spirit.

Because the both the Libertarian and Republican parties construct their platforms based on flimsly electoral concerns, many conservatives have felt caught between the two, unable to decide on which is the “lesser of two evils” (the third evil being liberalism, which is in a league of its own). At DYNAMO, we promote Modern Conservatism as a sort of bridge between these two competing schools of thought – which, in fact, does have the nice side effect of appealing to a broad base of Americans, much to the establishment’s chagrin.

To get a better feel for this philosophy, here are some things Modern Conservatives typically support:

And here are some things Modern Conservatives reject:

  • A European-style welfare state
  • A “progressive” tax structure
  • Racism and discrimination
  • Barriers to international free trade
  • Organized labor
  • Excessive regulation

Of course, things aren’t that black and white. This page is really just a reference point for you to refer back to as you begin to delve into the inner workings of a fundamentally sound philosophy. You’ll often find that we agree with the Republican party in big debates. That’s because DYNAMO isn’t advocating the creation of a new party. While we may disagree with the Republican party on some issues, like humans and monkeys our DNA is pretty similar. We just want the GOP to evolve a little more and to analyze things from our purer perspective.

Each article you see on the home page gives a Modern Conservative’s view on the issues of today. If you disagree, by all means leave us a comment explaining why. If you like what we have to say, we’d love to hear that too! In any case, make sure you make your voice heard – and remember, debate isn’t about the people on the other side; it’s all about the ideas!

For the Modern Conservative 

8 comments on “Modern Conservatism
  1. Mike and Helen Young says:


  2. Mike and Helen Young says:

    It is interesting to learn more clearly about the issues accespted and rejected by Modern Concervatism. I tend to agree with this point of view. But there are many more issues we should include in this point of view. There are several other issues that must be included. The issues of same sex mariages and pro-life issues that we must pay heed to since these things are not trivial and have serious impact on our lives. It is not about just economics. I will write my point of view on these subjects another time. I like th blog and the way you pursue these ideas. They are well worth considring. Micheael Yoannides Young (Grand Father).

    • Well I think you’re right. The issues you mentioned are important. I guess what I’m driving at is that there are economic and legal justifications as well as moral ones for opposing same-sex marriage or abortion. That’s not to say the moral reasons should be abandoned either, but the economic and legal moves could enable conservatives to get much more aggressive on these subjects because they can be mandated by popular vote, and because they will be unexpected to the left.

  3. […] Modern Conservatism is a philosophy I’ve developed to reconcile these discrepancies in both parties – a professed and logically sound standard on one hand, a politically developed platform on the other. Essentially, this doctrine is nothing more than a call for both groups to return to their original philosophical roots and avoid entangling contradictions like the few I’ve just mentioned. Modern Conservatism does not advocate the creation of a new party (which would weaken the right in its never-ending struggle against liberalism), but rather a strengthening of the existing parties through real, sound, conservative analysis of all policy positions. […]

  4. Rich says:

    But why not make a third (actually there are already alternative parties) party. The GOP is broken and is beyond repair – just as guilty as the Democrat/socialists.

    • Interesting thought for sure. But the American electoral system favors a two-party set up because congressional seats are winner take all. When compared the parliamentary governments, third parties in the US are much less attractive. Reform from within the system has a better chance of success.

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